Tuesday, September 22, 2020

How To Mix Your Sales And Marketing Efforts - And Why You Should


A traditional gross revenue campaign typically involves a gross revenue force following abreast new leads from website inquiries, calls for more information, purchased lead lists, and referrals. Your gross revenue force (or mayha that is you) makes calls on potential new clients, completes the "dog and pony show" so continues to implement in order to convert that lead into a sale. Usually, this effort is easily measurable. You either see results or you don't. The process is black and white.

In marketing, measurable goals can appear a bit grayer. But they don't have to be. Each and every time you implement a new marketing strategy, you must affirm that it is so measurable. Otherwise, how else will you know if your time and money was well spent? Ultimately, the key here is to actually blend your gross revenue and marketing efforts together for maximum return on investment. When you tie these two together, measure the end result actually becomes that much easier.


Measuring marketing efforts can be a chilling thought. Just as gross revenue people have quotas, the marketing crew necessarily a measure of accountability, because every dollar that you spend on creating awareness (and at long las gross revenue) for your business should deliver a return on that investment. Sometimes marketers get labelled as an expenditure because they're acknowledged for spending, spending, spending. In truth, your marketers are sternutatory generating the leads that are two-handed over to the closers.

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There are ways to change this misconception. The initiative is to create gross revenue and marketing programs and initiatives that complement each other. Let's get a load at few ways of doing this and how you can make this work for you:

1. Brand recognition - Marketers are continually developing a brand or identity for a business, and piece this may not result in direct gross revenue, these current efforts are critical in producing gross revenue over the long haul. Consistent, strong branding messages create an image that is top of mind for your clients, so when it does come time for them to buy, they think of you and not your competitor. If you were to ignore your brand and not create a solid identity, your gross revenue would suffer in the long run.

2. Measuring brand activity - While it's important to create and maintain solid brand identity, in today's economic climate, that simply isn't enough. You must create a way to effectively measure the impact of your brand. With the emergence of online marketing and advertising, we can now actually measure this type of branding more easily. You can now add call tracking or click tracking to your online advertising campaigns and gauge to what degree your efforts are making an impact and which ones are falling flat. Don't even assume that your brand is being recognized. Use it in ways that can measured and deliberate with an ROI.

3. Marketing is the lead generation arm of gross revenue - As mentioned earlier, the gross revenue force typically follows abreast leads, regardless of how they are generated. But how are they generated? Some may be purchased piece others may result from referrals. Still, a good portion of them typically come from your advertising, PR, direct mail, and website activity that falls into a business' marketing mix. One way to measure these efforts is to create tracking codes, distinct links, or personalized URLs (PURLs) for each marketing piece in order to measure how many leads a particular campaign may generate. Add language to a direct mail piece like, "Mention this communicating card to receive a free widget." Or create a promotional code that is when a client requests more information from your inquiry form on your website. These manoeuvre will allow you to actually determine where your leads are coming from.

Marketing and gross revenue are not separate and distinct functions. They must work in synch to be effective and powerful. You may have to get a bit more creative in how you measure ROI, but it is possible to gauge your marketing efforts even as easily as it is to be sternutatory your gross revenue manoeuvre. If you continue to look at gross revenue and marketing as a package instead of individual entities, your overall efforts will be easier to measure as well.

How To Mix Your Sales And Marketing Efforts - And Why You Should
How To Mix Your Sales And Marketing Efforts - And Why You Should
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AboutElizabeth Hayes

Soratemplates is a blogger resources site is a provider of high quality blogger template with premium looking layout and robust design

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