Before you even decide what product or program you want to assort there is one matter you must do first. Keyword Research, this is one of the most shaping factors of your campaign, if you get this wrong you could struggle to get gross revenue and your campaign can fail.
1. How to research keywords, there are a couple of tools that you can use to research keywords. Google keyword tool is one of the most identified tools, to make it easy go search on Google keyword tool and you will find a spate. Even your CEO computer software have keyword research capabilities. I have even discovered a tool on the net that enables you see what the competitions keywords are and what they invite out it and even how many clicks they get for each keyword. Ok, know the keyword tools is sorted now what?
2. I like to use Google keyword tool because it works for me. Start by entering keywords in your keyword tool and search, let's say dog. OK so know you will get a spate of direct keywords and synonyms of the keyword dog. There are also a couple of columns which you can choose from I normally select view all. Now what I do is to select all the information and paste it into MS Excel and so I put Auto filter on so now I can filter any row that I want and even a couple of at the same time to extract the information I want.
3. This is now the easy part, for product chance for affiliating I would like medium to low advertising competition so now I attend the advertising column and do a custom filter. The filter must show me all keywords with advertising competition of 60% or less but not to a small degree 20%. The reason for this is if I want to advertise, let's say through Ad sense I don't want to pay much for the top position but there must be some kinda competition otherwise that market is dead.
4. Now what you do is sort the average search column so that you see keywords that was searched for not small than 4000 searches per month.
5. What you see now is all the keywords that is worth perusing, so what you do now is open Google and search for products you can sell through affiliating that have somematter to do with dogs, like dog food or dog training programs, dog books, dog anymatter well the possibilities are endless.
To make it better you can choose a good keyword and register a domain thereupon name, e.g. dog care without the space dot what you want. This will help in your go after Google ranking. What did you get out of this keyword research, you determined if this is a viable keyword to pursue for affiliating. This is just one dimension of the information you analyzed there are a spate of possibilities how to monetise this keywords but the basics is that you need to follow the data and not the other way around.