Saturday, September 12, 2020

SAM - The Three-Part Process Of Social Media Marketing


Online social networking and social media marketing are the hottest new tools in the business promotion armamentarium. These tools are not only extremely effective for "growing the brand," but for advancing the reputations and careers of executives alike. Customers love the power to interact directly and in person with these executives. Paradoxically, the singular most common complaint of executives is that online social networking and social media marketing places significant demands on their time.

So how does an executive or enterpriser reap the benefits of online social networking and social media marketing for the stripped investment of time?

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Smart executives address S.A.M. the three-part process for optimizing the efficiency of the online social networking and social media marketing process.

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Meet S.A.M.

The key to flourishingly reaping the benefits of online social networking and social media marketing is to provide genuine fundamental interaction for clients. This means that the executive must be the actual author of all communications; however, this is only one-step in the process of conducting a flourishing online social networking / social media marketing campaign. It is basic business economics, delegation duties to free the time of key individuals in the organization produces a big return on the time investment. S.A.M. includes Strategic Planning, Authorship and Mechanics.

Strategic Planning

An online social networking / social media marketing campaign must be a part of the overall public relations, marketing and advertising plan for the business. In the best of circumstances, online social networking / social media marketing can replace part or even all of the conventional marketing and advertising. Entrepreneurs and executives often have review and oversight of public relations, marketing and advertising plans but rarely if ever micromanage the development and deployment of these plans.

Determining where best to conduct online social networking and social media marketing efforts requires twenty to thirty pct of the time spent weekly on an best program. Delegating this aspect of the process to a adviser or other extremely trained team member saves the executive significant time.


This is the part of the process that must be all the original work and words of the executive. Customers choosing to participate in online social networking with the direction and owners of a business expect - even demand - that their fundamental interactions actually be with the executive. Everyone in the online social networking and social media marketing industry took notice of the backlash against Brittany Spears when it was discovered that ghostwriters wrote her social networking fundamental interactions. On the other hand, multiplex celebrities have learned that tributary to their own blogs, Twitters and social networking efforts creates fan loyalty and inflated opportunities.

Executives who author their own articles, blog entries and speeches find that the time required is small compared to the favorable response received from audiences and clients. Even more time can be saved by dictating drafts and lease mortal else do the typing. In most cases, authorship requires to a bit degree ten pct of the time spent on online social networking and social media marketing weekly.


The part of the process that takes the most time and causes the dread for executives considering an online social networking / social media marketing campaign is the part most easily delegated to an employee. The mechanism of posting blog entries, Twitters and social network comments requires only a bank of genuinely authored content from which to draw and the cognition of how to post that content to the appropriate sites.

The process of posting content combined with the process of locating new social media contacts accounts for fully half of all the time spent on online social networking and social media marketing efforts. When these duties are delegated to an employee operative in accordance with a well-defined strategic plan and clear ethical guidelines, the executive is freed for more profitable efforts patc satisfying the client's desire for online social network fundamental interactions.

Putting S.A.M. to Work

In practice, the S.A.M. process begins with strategic provision to determine what markets represent the most viable for a particular business and specific executive. Once these markets and online networking sites are identified, a careful plan for involved on the various networks is formulated. This plan is re-evaluated monthly and refocused to maximize enlisting of new contacts also as visibility and website visitors.

Once a plan is in place, the executive must author articles and other content items for distribution through the planned social media outlets. This is the summation of the executive's time commitment except to answer specific replies from social network members. With this stripped time commitment, the executive establish resonance with the client and relationships with the entire market.

With the plan in place and the content authored, the daily mechanism of posting material to the networks and parsing compositions into microblogs is accomplished under the oversight of a consulting strategic planner. Because the content is not only in the voice of the executive, but the actual creation of that executive, the relationships created are fostered even without further investment of time or effort.

Online social networking and social media marketing are an amazingly cost effect means of spreading the brand content and building both client resonance and loyalty. The use of the S.A.M. process increase the return on endowed capital for this new form of info-communications.

SAM - The Three-Part Process Of Social Media Marketing
SAM - The Three-Part Process Of Social Media Marketing
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AboutElizabeth Hayes

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