Tuesday, October 6, 2020

How To Form SEO Friendly Page Titles


So you have an impressive website design. Now what? The #1 most important items when implementing an Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Strategy is to develop extremely related keyword rich page titles. There are several reasons that this must not be treated lightly. First of all, if your eminent at highschoo in the organic listings, you need to have a catchy title phrase that will get the users attention sequent in a click to your site. Lets say your business's name is Carls Tool Shop. As with any proud business owner, you now want to create a page title like this. I know I did.

"Carls Tool Shop - We Carry the Best Tools At The Lowest Prices Guaranteed"

  Marketing Worth The Cost

While this may look like a catchy title for Carls website, it will ne'er, ever, ever get gradable high. Especially if the competition has even the slightest clue about what they are doing.

Lets dissect this title and see what's wrong with it:

  • "Carls Tool Shop": Unless the searcher is looking and already knows about Carls tool shop, they more than likely will NOT search for that. Because of this, the business name should ne'er be in the title unless you are a major brand and even then normally goes at the back. One good piece of this chunk is the word "Tool". I would say that's a related keyword then would the search engines most likely.
  • " - ": You just wastes 3 characters of space. Depending on your strategy, a good guideline is to exclude excess characters and spacing.
  • "We Carry The": As we talked about earlier. A great page title inevitably to be related and keyword rich regarding your business. What part of these three words is related or a keyword. None
  • " Best Tools": There is absolutely nothing wrong with these two words. Definitely related. There is one hidden problem which we will discuss further. Keep reading!
  • "At The Lowest Price Guaranteed": Yes, I probably could have broken this chunk into two, but I figure we need to get to the point. The beginning part "At The", you guessed it all irrelated. The second part "Lowest Price Guaranteed", well this isn't necessarily a bad set of keywords but how many people in the world do you think put those three words together. Those are your competitors now in means of search engine seniors. There are probably better choices.
In addition to the items mentioned above, there are few more problems that need to be considered.

  1. Currently the search engines offer between 65 and 70 characters of space allowed for the page titles. Everything else after that may be indexed but does not get any decent score to help boost seniors. This url would actually show up truncated because it is over 70 characters and they cut it off at the last full word anterior to the character limit.
    • "Carls Tool Shop - "We Carry the Best Tools At The Lowest Prices

  2. Do you like to be loud at? Well, the search engine don't like it either. Capitalizing every letter is a big no no. You can capitalize your brand but keep it to a minimum.
Ok, so now that we have we have clipped all the junk. Lets see what we finished up with, at to the last degree what the search engines are seeing to help Joes Tool Shop

Tool best tools

Doesn't look that appealing any longer does it?

So now that you know what to keep one's eyes off from, lets put together a title that the search engines and the people searching will eat up.

  1. Brainstorm words and phrases between 1 and 3 words that really hit home for you business. Come up with as many as you can and write them down. You power come up with something like this:
    1. tools
    2. contractors
    3. consumer tools
    4. commercial tools
    5. electrical
    6. power tools
    7. garden tools
    8. home
    9. hand tools
    10. discount

  2. Go to Google Keyword Tool and investigate each of the terms one by one. This tool will give you approximate monthly searches and level of competition for the term.
  3. Now that you have your arsenal of impressive keywords, its time to make your title. Its OK to use filler words to connect the keyword phrases together but ne'er use more than 1 at a time.
Ok, so lets look at this title. Please keep in mind that I do not own a tool shop nor did I spend time researching related keywords. Lets assume that these were the best found. Lets verify the following items

  1. Less than 65 characters - Check
  2. Use of filler words - only used one "and"
  3. Use of related target keywords - 8 Words
  4. Excess characters - None
  5. Any yelling going on - nope
So there you have it. You have created an appealing yet, very related keyword rich page title. So now all you have to do is apply this method to every page in your website. Remember that all page titles need to be unique. If you are up for the time overwhelming task of SEO, I would extremely recommend exploitation better tools in your research to get the most out of your strategy. If you have a company doing this for you, now you know what to watch for.
How To Form SEO Friendly Page Titles
How To Form SEO Friendly Page Titles
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AboutElizabeth Hayes

Soratemplates is a blogger resources site is a provider of high quality blogger template with premium looking layout and robust design

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